We currently only ship to any destination in South Africa.
For the majority of our shipping we use The Courier Guy. Parcels are only shipped once payment reflects in our bank account.
If you use one of our agencies and reside in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth or Cape Town, they may elect to use their own Couriers.
All parcels are shipped from head office using a waybill system and are fully insured by us.
In all cases delivery will require the purchaser or person elected by the purchaser, to sign for the goods and provide a valid Pin Number which will be SMSed and emailed to the recipient from our shippers when the parcel is consigned online.
Priority delivery is generally overnight, but allow up to 2 days for delivery.
Economy shipping takes 2-5 days
Please note, we do not allow customers to use their own couriers.
Parcel Tracking
You can track your parcel on The Courier Guy’’s Website 24-hours after payment is made by using the prefix TOU in front of your invoice number. For example: Invoice 12345 will be TOU12345
When your parcel is out for delivery, you will receive a SMS from The Courier Guy with a 3-digit pin code. The driver will not hand over the parcel without this.
Please ensure you update your cell phone number with us when you order. We no longer send emails with parcel tracking details from our office, but feel free to contact me for assistance.